


2023-11-15-Several free WebDAV clients for Windows platform - Jian Shu

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Several Free WebDAV Clients for Windows Platform - Jian Shu#



Honey IP Location: Jiangsu

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Open source and free.

Can access WebDAV servers similar to accessing FTP servers.

Since I often need to connect to SCP servers, I have it on my computer. If I need to temporarily access a WebDAV server and happen to have this software, I can use it conveniently.

The downside is that it cannot resume large file transfers.

By the way, if you need to access FTP, FileZilla is more reliable than WinSCP (because of resume support). However, for accessing WebDAV, you must use the paid version of FileZilla.


Available in both free and subscription-based versions. The paid version supports features such as simulating physical disk mounting, multi-user file locking, and others.

For general users, the free version is sufficient. The recent update added advertisements to the main interface, but it doesn't affect the overall experience much (although the ads at the top of the interface are quite big and ugly).

It can map WebDAV as a local hard drive on your computer. After mapping, the first time you access a folder may cause some lag due to lack of caching, but subsequent access will be smooth. It integrates well with the system, making it convenient to use.


I really want to criticize this name.

Open source and free. If you don't donate, there will be a large donation prompt in the top right corner of the window.

Similar to WinSCP, but the advantage over WinSCP is that it supports resuming transfers. However, I haven't had the need to use resuming yet.

Allway Sync#

Free for personal use, with the limitation of non-commercial use and a maximum of 40,000 files processed in 30 days.

It synchronizes files between the server and local folders, similar to the client of Nut Cloud if it runs in the background. WinSCP and CyberDuck can also manually sync with remote folders, but Allway Sync's automatic sync is more convenient.

Directly accessing files that have already been downloaded to the local computer is the fastest and most convenient method. The downside is that the initial sync requires downloading all the files from the server, which may take time if there are many large files. However, it's a one-time effort. The annoying part is that the Chinese interface of Allway Sync has very small text, which strains my eyes.

Windows Network Address Mapping#

No need to install any software, highly recommended for lightweight use.

In the "My Computer" screen, right-click and select "Add a network location", then click "Next", "Choose a custom network location", and enter the network address as the WebDAV address. For example, for Nut Cloud, it would be Click "Next" and give the location a name.

After completing the setup, you will see a shortcut to this WebDAV address in the "My Computer" screen. The first time you access it, you will need to enter your username and password.

In addition, mapping WebDAV servers only supports https by default. If you need http support, you can refer to this article on CSDN: Mapping WebDAV in Windows 10, and modify the registry key.

I used to like using RaiDrive. Recently, when I reinstalled my computer, I was too lazy to install RaiDrive, so now I directly use the Nut Cloud client to access Nut Cloud files, which can be synchronized locally and have file protection locks. For accessing my own WebDAV server, I use WinSCP.

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