


Why do people who earn a monthly salary of 3000 yuan worry about Dong Yuhui, who earns a yearly salary of tens of millions? - Hu Xiu Net

id: 48db6500-a05e-11ee-9bd2-97d25ad37433

Why do people with a monthly salary of 3000 worry about Dong Yuhui, who has an annual salary of tens of millions? - Hu Xiu Net#



Are people really speaking out for Dong Yuhui? Everyone is just participating in a real-life version of a short drama or online novel. ⤴️ ^1459f281

Hitting the nail on the head

Attention is being hijacked, emotional emptiness, and energy is being dissipated. ⤴️ ^5b4c2554

The stratification will be more severe, and there will be a fundamental difference in life between those who can recognize this and those who cannot.

This article discusses why people with a monthly salary of 3000 would care about Dong Yuhui's affairs, who has an annual salary of tens of millions. The author points out that people's participation in this discussion is just participating in a real-life version of a short drama or online novel, and explains the common scripts in online novels and short dramas. The article also mentions the hero's journey narrative structure and compares it to the Dongfang Zhenxuan incident. Finally, the article analyzes the psychological motivations behind people's pursuit of internet celebrities.

• 💡 The article reveals the true motivation behind people's participation in the Dongfang Zhenxuan discussion, which is the psychological satisfaction of participating in a real-life version of a short drama or online novel.

• 💡 By introducing common scripts in short dramas, the article shows the similarities between Dongfang Zhenxuan and web dramas and TV dramas.

• 💡 The article mentions the hero's journey narrative structure and compares it to the Dongfang Zhenxuan incident, demonstrating people's pursuit of stories of a hero's counterattack.

The Dongfang Zhenxuan incident has come to an end, and it seems that Dong Yuhui has been promoted and the stock price of New Oriental has risen again, and netizens have won. Perhaps after the epidemic, there has been no other event that has sparked such widespread discussion among various social groups.

In this incident, many people feel that they have been inexplicably involved in this topic discussion, and they don't understand: why do so many people with a monthly salary of 3000 worry about Dong Yuhui, who has an annual salary of tens of millions?

This question is actually quite easy to answer: ==Are people really speaking out for Dong Yuhui? Everyone is just participating in a real-life version of a short drama or online novel.==

Have you noticed that the plot of Dongfang Zhenxuan, the overthrow of Dong Yuhui, Xiao Sun smashing his phone, Xiao Sun apologizing, Yu Minhong's live broadcast, and the return of the king... isn't it just a real-life version of a short drama or online novel?

Common scripts in short dramas

I guess some friends haven't watched short dramas or online novels. In fact, in recent years, many popular web dramas and TV dramas are based on online novels. It is precisely because of this reason that I, who used to have a preference for written works and only read serious literature, have also spent a lot of time watching short dramas and online novels, trying to find some new rules of the new era. Let me summarize some common scripts for you:

Script 1

A master and his disciple, the disciple returns from the mountains to the city with no money and wearing tattered clothes, looking for the rich girl he was betrothed to. He is looked down upon by various people, but in the end, he saves various political and business figures with his magical acupuncture skills, defeats various evil forces with his superb martial arts, and receives returns of billions or even tens of billions along the way, constantly rising, and having one girlfriend after another... This kind of script basically ends with the protagonist becoming an immortal. By the way, the protagonist usually starts at the age of 17, without education or money, but he is handsome.

Script 2

A modern elite businessman's son is framed and dies tragically, then he travels back in time to ancient times and becomes a weak prince. The original prince is in a difficult situation and is bullied. The time traveler uses various modern technologies to make money, as well as his knowledge of various ancient poems, various mathematical formulas, and impresses various people, eventually unifying the world.

Script 3

An ordinary teenager suddenly has an adventure and gains the ability to see extraordinary energy. He then makes tens of billions of dollars easily by gambling on stones, buying antiques, helping people with illnesses, and catching ghosts... In the process, he is inevitably looked down upon by others, but he defeats them with his special abilities.

Script 4

A wealthy heiress is framed, loses her family fortune and reputation, and then falls into hardship and becomes a cleaner or a street vendor. Then, by chance, she meets a domineering CEO who helps her regain her family fortune and seek revenge.

Script 5

An ordinary security guard falls from an airplane or a cruise ship onto a deserted island, and then he saves a domineering female CEO with his excellent martial arts and survival skills. He then punishes various villains along the way and eventually wins the heart of the female CEO.

These plots can be interconnected, and additional plots such as being a son-in-law or cultivating immortality can be added...

In short, the logic of most short dramas and online novels is: born noble, such as a prince, a wealthy heir, or a master's disciple, then falls into hardship due to certain reasons, encounters sarcastic and mean people, is looked down upon, and then starts a counterattack, gaining billions or even tens of billions, making all the big shots kneel, and defeating all the villains...

So, do you think the entire plot of Dongfang Zhenxuan is similar?

The Hero's Journey

This underlying pattern is called the "Hero's Journey," which is a famous formula in narrative studies and comparative mythology, widely used in various stories and dramas.

"A hero ventures forth from the world of common day into a region of supernatural wonder: fabulous forces are there encountered and a decisive victory is won: the hero comes back from this mysterious adventure with the power to bestow boons on his fellow man."

This formula of the hero's journey was proposed by mythologist Joseph Campbell in his book "The Hero with a Thousand Faces" published in 1949.

The more complete narrative structure includes three major parts and 17 stages:


  • The call to adventure;
  • Refusal of the call;
  • Supernatural aid;
  • Crossing the threshold;
  • Belly of the whale;


  • The road of trials;
  • Meeting with the goddess;
  • The temptress;
  • Atonement with the father;
  • Apotheosis;
  • The ultimate boon;


  • Refusal of the return;
  • The magic flight;
  • Rescue from without;
  • Crossing the return threshold;
  • Master of two worlds;
  • Freedom to live.

Many writers, theologians, and filmmakers have proposed similar story structures. Many famous Hollywood movies can more or less be seen to have traces of this narrative structure. For example, the famous director George Lucas has stated that his "Star Wars" series was deeply influenced by Campbell's "The Hero with a Thousand Faces."

Looking back at the Dongfang Zhenxuan story, whether it is the "mother-in-law" or the onlookers, are they really concerned about Dong Yuhui himself?

Everyone is participating in interactive online dramas and large-scale online cosplay, which also explains why everyone "childishly" goes to the opponent's side, "Gaotu Jiapin," to place orders.

Analysis of the psychology of nurturing internet celebrities

As for why people invest their energy in such matters and even turn it into a major social event?

I wrote an article in 2016 titled "Chasing Internet Celebrities, What's the Difference from Raising a Dog?" exploring this question. At that time, the internet celebrity economy had just emerged, and at that time, the "Four Wild Men" of "Love and Producer" had not appeared, and "Travel Frog" had not become popular.

Looking back now, the analysis at that time was still reasonable: modern people are too lonely, too lonely, and too bored. Why do they idolize internet celebrities? It's the same reason why people raise pets and play simulation games.

  1. A deep sense of loneliness

Because of loneliness, people need companionship. Pets can provide companionship, and internet celebrities can also provide companionship, right? The beautiful women in video live broadcasts can chat with you, and fans in forums and microblogs can interact with each other.

  1. A sense of achievement in participation and cultivation

Imagine this, you have a little dog named Xiao Ming at home. It was cute when it was born, and you have been feeding it, watching it grow every day. Isn't it satisfying? Watching it grow day by day, learning to wag its tail when it sees you, learning to follow you closely when you go out, don't you feel fulfilled?

"Mother-in-law" thinks that they are the ones who have raised Dong Yuhui, so naturally, they don't want to see him being bullied. Dongfang Xiaosun said that he doesn't accept "fan culture," but this is wishful thinking. Shouldn't he recall how much cost was spent on marketing Dong Yuhui's live broadcast videos before the Dongfang Zhenxuan incident? This is just reaping what was sown.

  1. Intense possessiveness

Back to our little dog Xiao Ming, it used to be closest to you, but then you went to college and weren't at home, so your younger siblings took care of it, and it became closer to them. When you come back home, it ignores you, don't you feel annoyed?

This is the logic behind fans' idolization of internet celebrities. They take pride in being the first to pay attention to him/her. And in the Dongfang incident, this possessiveness is manifested as "if I can't have it, I'll destroy it," with many people expressing their stance by "unfollowing" Dong Yuhui.

  1. Insecurity of being afraid of being abandoned

Again, with our dog Xiao Ming, you see it being affectionate with others, and you feel unhappy. Don't you want to please it? This is insecurity. At this time, don't you want to show your existence?

People hope to be noticed and responded to, and they don't want their efforts to be meaningless or denied. This is not only the case in chasing internet celebrities or raising pets, but also the most important characteristic in all relationships.

In short, people have always been searching for their identity markers, afraid of being left behind by popular trends, but it's like trying to catch the moon in the water, never able to achieve results.

This is the collective psychological illness in the internet society: ==attention is being hijacked, emotional emptiness, and energy is being dissipated.==

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