


2024-03-13-Easy Scraper - No coding required, visual web scraper, one-click data extraction, possibly the simplest web scraper [Chrome] - Little Software

Easy Scraper - No programming required, visual web scraper, one-click data extraction, possibly the simplest web scraper [Chrome] - Appinn#


Easy Scraper is a very easy-to-use web scraping tool, suitable for Chrome browser, completely visual operation, just submit a list of URLs, and select the desired area from any page, you can achieve batch data extraction, text extraction, and export in .csv, .json formats. @Appinn

Easy Scraper - No programming required, visual web scraper, one-click data extraction, possibly the simplest web scraper [Chrome] 1

What is a web scraper?#

Here, a web scraper refers to a web crawler, which usually requires writing your own program, such as using the Python language to write a web scraper. The main function is to automatically collect web page information. For example, if you want to get the prices of all mobile phones on an e-commerce website, you can flip through the pages one by one, but writing a program will be much faster.

Easy Scraper is a Chrome extension that is super easy to use.

For a single page#

For example, the homepage of Appinn (, if you want to get the latest article list, just click the Easy Scraper button in the extension bar. In the new page that pops up, click the Change List button, and then move the mouse to the data you want to extract, which is the latest article in this case. Easy Scraper will help you obtain all similar content data, including URL, image links, category links, time, summary, and other information:

Easy Scraper - No programming required, visual web scraper, one-click data extraction, possibly the simplest web scraper [Chrome] 2

Then you can export and process the data, isn't it amazing?

For multiple pages#

If you want to process multiple web pages at the same time, you need to obtain the links of these websites first (for example, using the method mentioned above for a single page), and then you can batch process them.

The official website has a demonstration video that vividly shows how to get the titles, prices, and ratings of Amazon products:

It's... very easy.

Key Features#

  1. One-click scraping: Can scrape any list from any website with just one click.
  2. Deep scraping: After obtaining a series of web page links, you can further scrape each link.
  3. Data export: You can save the scraped data in CSV or JSON format for later use.
  4. Handling dynamic content: Can handle content rendered using JavaScript, ensuring that you can scrape data from complex websites.

青小蛙 (Appinn) gave some examples:

If you are conducting market research, such as collecting prices and reviews of a certain product from major e-commerce platforms, it is very convenient to use Easy Scraper.

If you need to write an article on a specific topic, but find it tedious to manually search and organize information, then Easy Scraper can automatically summarize the content of relevant web pages for you.

Get it#

Original article:

In the next issue, let's study how to use GPT to process the content of .csv and .json files.

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