


2023-09-09 Tokyo Consumer Study, Seeing the Future of China -

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Tokyo Consumer Research, Seeing the Future of China - Hu Xiu Net#



What Japan is worth our reference is not the innovation of "business models", but the development trend of "consumer demand". ⤴️ ^0b546211


At the level of consumer demand, Japan, as a developed country, has highly developed and segmented consumer demands. ⤴️ ^61c2214d

This implies that the future consumer market will be more segmented and specialized, and the big and comprehensive will be defeated by the small and beautiful. The market is indeed moving in this direction now.

Tokyo Consumer Research, Seeing the Future of China#

Every time I visit Tokyo for research, I always gain new inspiration and open up new ideas~

I have analyzed the development trend of Chinese consumption in both videos and podcasts, and Japan is the best reference. Many friends have questioned this viewpoint, so here I will explain it again: ==What Japan is worth our reference is not the innovation of "business models", but the development trend of "consumer demand".==

At the level of business models, we are already ahead of Japan in many areas, including e-commerce, express delivery, scan code payment, shared bike power banks, etc. These model innovations are far ahead in China. However, ==at the level of consumer demand, Japan, as a developed country, has highly developed and segmented consumer demands.==

I will share the interesting details I discovered during this trip with everyone.

A pet store that looks exactly like a mother and baby store:


A place to give pets a spa treatment:


Pet funeral services advertised in the subway:

A store specializing in various coffee beans:

A store specializing in various specialty sauces:

A pre-made meal store, no dining in, just choose and take home to heat and eat:

A restaurant that only serves fried beef steak, very delicious:


IP derivative stores in Akihabara, not only students, but also many adults:

A six-story standalone high-end store in the core area of the city center, where all the items sold are second-hand luxury brands:

A wide selection of tents, how do you choose from so many?

A building selling sports and outdoor equipment, with two floors of golf and two floors of camping, more than mainstream sports. These two have become part of daily life.


Courses for teaching the elderly how to use mobile phones and other electronic products, and also help the elderly with matchmaking and making friends?


Summary: In many fields, especially in the above-mentioned areas of pets, pre-made meals, outdoor sports, second-hand trading, IP derivative products, and services for middle-aged and elderly people, Japan's consumer demand has great reference significance for us to understand the future trend in China.

Investor Huang Hai

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