


2023-11-03-How to enhance a person's inner drive--Tiger Sniff website

How to Improve a Person's Inner Drive? - Tiger Sniff Network


Although material rewards may be effective in the short term, they may destroy a person's inner drive and wear down their mentality. ⤴️ ^4dfe7140

I have already noticed this problem and am trying to solve it through some adjustments in mechanisms. The statements in the article are consistent with my feelings and provide me with a theoretical basis.

The "overjustification effect" refers to the decrease in intrinsic motivation to perform a behavior when external rewards are given for that behavior.

The overjustification effect quietly wears down your willpower. ⤴️ ^7697ad71

They believe that by giving external rewards to encourage certain behaviors, it stimulates external motivation for the behavior, while doing something spontaneously for the enjoyment of the activity is the internal motivation, or inner drive. ⤴️ ^f0a5c235

Distinguishing between internal and external motivations, there is also the saying of the bright master and the dog. You need to make the dog feel a connection with you in order to complete a task, rather than just for the treat in your hand.

The more complex the motivation for doing something, the less likely it is to succeed. ⤴️ ^9aa51a12

People with strong intrinsic motivation have better career development in the long run.

However, those who have both intrinsic and extrinsic motivations - those who want to serve the country and also want to gain higher social status and more monetary rewards through military service - do not perform as well in their subsequent careers as expected. ⤴️ ^2c0f093e

This is something I never thought of. If different goals have the same direction, there can be no added effect? Instead, there is a negative effect? But thinking about it carefully, it makes sense. The more pure, the more likely to win.

"Curiosity" is the fuel for inner drive. ⤴️ ^880731cb

Curiosity arises from the desire to know about "blank information". ⤴️ ^ea83c3b3

Maintaining an open mindset and learning more about interesting/useful but incomplete information in fields related to the problem will make you unable to resist exploring more. ⤴️ ^10a06b69

You need to be more curious. I am now on this path.

Deliberate practice also stimulates inner drive. ⤴️ ^9b62c349

You just need to understand your expectations well and not let negative emotions extinguish your enthusiasm for experiencing the world. ⤴️ ^210294ae

How to Improve a Person's Inner Drive?#

This article introduces how to improve a person's inner drive, including the possibility that material rewards may destroy inner drive, having too many goals can weaken inner drive, curiosity is the fuel for inner drive, and deliberate practice can enhance inner drive.

• Material rewards may destroy a person's inner drive and wear down their mentality.

• Having too many goals can compete with each other and weaken inner drive.

• Curiosity is the fuel that stimulates inner drive and promotes rapid learning.

• Deliberate practice can enhance inner drive and create a positive cycle.

When I want to do something but can't seem to get started, I always hear a voice in my ear saying, "When will I have a little more initiative?"

Initiative is also called "inner drive." It means that we can do something from the bottom of our hearts without being influenced by the outside world.

This issue of "Simple Psychology Weekly" focuses on how to destroy and improve a person's inner drive. Let's see what psychology research has to say.

Material rewards may destroy a person's inner drive

People often say, "Money can make the devil push the mill, and if it can't, then the money must not be enough."

Money, toys, travel... as a form of immediate and effective motivation, we are certainly familiar with them. However, a classic psychological study found that ==although material rewards may be effective in the short term, they may destroy a person's inner drive and wear down their mentality.==

In this study, Anderson and others gathered a group of children who liked to draw and randomly divided them into four groups: money reward group (rewarded with 20 cents after drawing), honor medal group, verbal praise group, and control group. They then secretly observed the children's spontaneous drawing probability in the following weeks.

Psychologists found that:

  • Children who received money rewards showed a significant decrease in motivation to draw.
  • Children in the verbal praise group had a significantly higher frequency of drawing.

This phenomenon is known as the "==overjustification effect," which refers to the decrease in intrinsic motivation to perform a behavior when external rewards are given for that behavior.==

==The overjustification effect quietly wears down your willpower.== For example, the joy of learning is drowned out by endless rankings and exams for further education; interest activities are extinguished by exams and certifications in interest classes.

==They believe that by giving external rewards to encourage certain behaviors, it stimulates external motivation for the behavior, while doing something spontaneously for the enjoyment of the activity is the internal motivation, or inner drive.==

When the inner drive to do something disappears, even if external motivation is trying hard to pull you forward, it is difficult for people to truly feel happiness.

==The more complex the motivation for doing something, the less likely it is to succeed.==

The motivation for taking the postgraduate entrance examination may be an interest in scientific research, a desire to improve educational background and obtain higher-paying jobs, or simply an escape from employment, or a combination of these.

However, a study published in the top journal PNAS found that the more complex the motivation for doing something, the less likely it is to succeed.

This study, which conducted a 10-year longitudinal survey of over 10,000 freshmen at the prestigious military academy West Point, found that those with a single personal goal had better career development than those with multiple external goals.


==People with strong intrinsic motivation have better career development in the long run.==

==However, those who have both intrinsic and extrinsic motivations - those who want to serve the country and also want to gain higher social status and more monetary rewards through military service - do not perform as well in their subsequent careers as expected.==

When a person has too many goals, various complex motivations compete with each other, and intrinsic motivation is weakened or even squeezed out, which can have long-term negative effects on learning and work achievements.

=="Curiosity" is the fuel for inner drive==

Albert Einstein said, "I have no special talents, I am just passionately curious."

A study published in the neuroscience journal Neuron found that once people show curiosity about a certain question, they not only learn information related to the answer faster, but they also remember unrelated information more deeply.

==Curiosity arises from the desire to know about "blank information".==

When you suddenly realize that you don't know something, you may feel a sense of deprivation. This uncomfortable feeling drives you to fill the gap in information, and curiosity allows you to be in a state of rapid learning about any information.

However, the more ignorant a person is, the stronger their curiosity is not necessarily. Igniting curiosity requires "activating knowledge."

Some studies on infants have found that babies are born with a preference for stimuli that are encoded into memory. Babies prefer novel stimuli, but their attention to repeated stimuli decreases with exposure time. This reminds us of a fact: we are always curious about moderately certain things.

==Maintaining an open mindset and learning more about interesting/useful but incomplete information in fields related to the problem will make you unable to resist exploring more.==

Deliberate practice also enhances your inner drive in an invisible way

Speaking of this, I suddenly remembered a time when I tried to avoid exercising at home, and my workout buddy said something very powerful: the least painful way to exercise is to not think of it as a task that requires self-discipline, but to make it a mundane part of life.

How... how do you do that?

A study published in the journal Psychology of Sport and Exercise found that deliberate practice also stimulates inner drive.

In this study, researchers tracked and surveyed 163 professional volleyball and basketball players over the course of a year. They recorded what sports they did, for how long, and at what intensity through practice logs. The practice tasks were set by the players themselves, but they had to be able to improve specific skills and include exercises in strength, speed, and passing/shooting every day.

They found that inner drive and deliberate practice are like a pair of positive cycle brothers.

People with strong intrinsic motivation are more likely to engage in deliberate practice tasks, and through repeated practice, athletes gain confidence in their participation in the activity, and their internal motivation for engaging in the sport is also strengthened.

Finally: each person can only create inner drive for themselves

  • If you want to lose weight, you have to consciously exercise.
  • If you want good grades, you have to have a sense of spontaneous learning.
  • If you want to make friends, you have to actively participate in activities.
  • Can you proactively tidy up your room next time...

Yes, I know, you're right. But the more you say that, the less I want to do it.

In the book "Change: Principles of Problem Formation and Problem Resolution," Watzlawick mentioned the "paradox of initiative":

If we are not asking others to do something, but asking them to "take the initiative" to do something, then they will never be able to meet our requirements.

It tells us that initiative comes from within the individual, and each individual can only "create initiative" for themselves, not for others.

For example, parents may say to their children, "You should take the initiative to tidy up your room in the future, don't wait for me to remind you." After that, even if the child always keeps the room tidy, it has become a "passive" completion of the parents' request, and no longer because they "initiatively" want to tidy up the room, they cannot experience the satisfaction and sense of control that comes with doing something well.

If you are the person who is "having initiative created by others," then you must believe that initiative does not need to be cultivated, it is already within you.

==You just need to understand your expectations well and not let negative emotions extinguish your enthusiasm for experiencing the world.==

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