


2023-11-20 - Which GPT applications have impressed me? How can you find them? - Minority

Which GPT applications have impressed me? How can you find them? - Minority#



Which GPT applications have impressed me? How can you find them?

What amazing GPT applications have you used?



After the OpenAI Developer Conference, it became very easy to create customized GPT applications, leading many innovators to enter this field. I used DALL・E3 technology to draw a picture in ChatGPT, depicting this scene.


The robots are cutting through the waves, while many humans watch from the sidelines. Do you think this description is appropriate?

I have also developed two GPT applications. A basic query tool called Article Assistant is used for searching published articles on the public account "Jade Tree and Orchid," and then I developed an upgraded version called Note Insighter.


This improved application adds a feature to jump to the corresponding article link and integrates the content of my articles on "Knowledge Planet."


I have written introductory articles about these two applications, which you can refer to on my public account and Knowledge Planet. If you prefer visual learning, you can also refer to this video.

Today, let's broaden our horizons a bit. I will introduce you to four categories of GPT applications: learning, research, shopping, and... the fourth one will be revealed later.


First, let's take a look at applications in the learning domain.

I recommend a tool called "Universal Primer." Translated into Chinese, it might be called "通用引物." It can assist you in learning various types of knowledge. This tool was recommended to me by a netizen named Gilgamesh.


I asked it to explain the training principles of ChatGPT.


Universal Primer quickly responded, providing a detailed explanation of the entire process, including the basics of neural networks, large data input, self-learning processes, optimization adjustments, and specific task training.

What is most appealing is that Universal Primer not only provides answers but also asks, "Before we dive deeper, I would like to understand your level of knowledge about neural networks and natural language processing. How much do you know about these fields? This will help me adjust my subsequent explanations to better suit your knowledge level."

This learner-centered service concept makes the learning process more friendly and personalized. Otherwise, if it just mechanically explains without considering the recipient's knowledge base, learners may quickly lose interest. By asking users about their knowledge level and providing customized explanations, it achieves targeted and personalized teaching.

I told it to treat me as a beginner. Universal Primer replied, "I will use simple language and analogies to explain, starting from the basics of neural networks and natural language processing."

Sure enough, Universal Primer used some vivid analogies, such as a post office and a volume knob, to make complex concepts easier to understand.


It then introduced the basics of natural language processing through analogies.


Next was the training process of ChatGPT, which was also explained in detail and vividly.


For each step, Universal Primer used vivid analogies to explain. I thought that as this tool continues to improve and enhance, it might really become an indispensable personal tutor for students.


In the field of research, the diversity of GPT applications is astonishing. My feelings are akin to Liu Laolao entering the Grand View Garden.


Look at this list of GPT applications, which lists 21 different types of tools and provides introductions. What caught my interest immediately was the fourth one — Academic Research Reviewer — which can conduct a comprehensive review of research papers and provide improvement suggestions. Suppose you are a graduate student who needs to refine your paper draft before submitting it to your advisor; it can at least help you expand your ideas and propose improvement plans.


I tried using Academic Research Reviewer and uploaded my paper published in October titled "Research Workflow in the AIGC Era: Application of Digital Academic Tools from the Perspective of Collaboration and AI Empowerment and Its Future".


I asked it how to improve my literature review section, and Academic Research Reviewer quickly provided some suggestions.


For example, Academic Research Reviewer pointed out that my literature review mainly focused on a single or specific type of research tool, while lacking discussions on the collaborative capabilities and interactivity between these tools. It suggested including discussions on collaboration and integrated applications in the literature review.


This suggestion was very enlightening. I browsed the remaining suggestions, and although not every one was particularly novel or practical, they indeed sparked some new thoughts for the author, improving the existing literature review approach. This was just the suggestion for the literature review section; for methodology introductions, data reporting, and discussion sections, beneficial feedback and suggestions can also be quickly obtained through Academic Research Reviewer. I recommend you try it with a published paper first.

We can't just focus on learning and research. Next, let's turn to a relatively light topic: shopping.


In this area, my friend "Silent Cabbage" developed a GPT application called "Shopping GPT." You just need to take a picture of any item, and the application can automatically recognize it and compare prices across the internet, providing purchasing suggestions.


I chose to take a picture of my iPad mini.


After uploading the photo, "Shopping GPT" began to recognize it.


"Shopping GPT" accurately identified the tablet as an iPad and recognized the Touch ID, noting that this is typically a feature of certain iPad models. It also mentioned that it comes with a stylus, which is usually applicable to iPad Pro or iPad Air models. Very good.

Then, "Shopping GPT" asked me what I wanted to do next. I replied that I wanted to buy the same product. So it began searching, first doing a general search and then entering some specialized websites.


"Shopping GPT" provided me with a detailed product list, but I noticed a problem: it found the iPad Pro model.


It seems it didn't realize that the iPad I wanted to buy was actually the mini version. This means it failed to determine the correct model based on the relative size of the pen to the screen, which indeed needs improvement.

I checked the three links it provided, which indeed contained information from multiple retailers, such as the official website, Best Buy, and Amazon.


By clicking the link, you can directly access the shopping page on Amazon.


Now, here's the question: just because you found the product and the link, can you buy it? If you are single, this might not be a problem. But if the family finances are not in your hands, after finding the product, you might need to "discuss" it with your family.

Some GPT developers have fully considered this and created an application called "Don't Want to Go Upstairs." The assumed scenario is — a middle-aged man needs to explain the reasons for shopping to his wife. You input the product, and GPT tells you what to say.

For example, you ask:

Why do we need a 12.9-inch iPad Pro, along with a second-generation Apple Pencil?

"Don't Want to Go Upstairs" helps you phrase it like this:


What if you muster the courage to try to buy something more expensive?

Why do we need a high-spec M3 Max MacBook Pro?


You see, the starting point is clearly what you want, but when explaining the reasons, every sentence revolves around the "practical needs" of the family. As the ancients said, "Understanding the affairs of the world is knowledge, and being adept in human feelings is literature." In fact, it's not just literature; applying "adeptness in human feelings" in applications can lead to such creativity. Isn't it?

Creativity aside, if you try to use this reasoning to persuade your family to shop... the consequences, don't say it's me; even the application developer might not dare to guarantee for you. 😜


Faced with the multitude of GPT applications on the market, how can we find and filter those that meet our needs and are truly useful? In fact, you may have already noticed that I listed a list of research-related applications earlier, right?


This is the fourth type of application I want to introduce to you — GPTs for querying GPTs. It sounds like a Russian nesting doll, haha.

There are many applications in this category, and the one I am currently using is called "GPTs Finder," which is very well done.

Look, when I asked, "Help me find translation-related GPTs," it listed 13 GPTs related to translation, each with a unique introduction and direct link.


And when I asked, "Help me find GPTs for teaching English," the results were even more exciting — "GPTs Finder" directly found 24 of them.


In just one week, so many unique English teaching GPTs have emerged, which is truly exciting. I couldn't help but exclaim:

Learning English is indeed a necessity!


The emergence of GPTs has left us dazzled, but we don't need to rush to follow every trend. Waiting a bit and observing market feedback is a wise strategy. I believe that in the near future, there will be official or third-party rating mechanisms that will provide us with reputation and evaluation of these applications. By then, you will be more likely to spend your limited time on truly worthwhile GPT applications without fearing "falling into a pit."

If you discover particularly useful GPT applications, feel free to share them in the comments section. Let's discuss and find those GPT tools that are truly worth trying.

Happy using GPT applications!

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Jade Tree and Orchid


Wang Shuyi. University teacher, lifelong learner. Knows a little about writing, public speaking, Python, and machine learning. Feel free to follow my public account "Jade Tree and Orchid" (nkwangshuyi).

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