


2024-03-14 - Mint Input Method (oh-my-rime) - Cross-platform Rime Input Method Configuration Suite: No Privacy Tracking, Completely Open Source, Highly Customizable - Minor Software

Mint Input Method (oh-my-rime) - Cross-platform Rime Input Method Configuration Suite: No Privacy Tracking, Completely Open Source, Highly Customizable - Minor Software#


oh-my-rime input method is a cross-platform input method configuration suite based on the Rime input method engine, also known as Mint Input Method. It can be directly imported into existing Rime input methods and supports Pinyin, Double Pinyin, Wubi, light/dark skins, simplified/traditional input, mixed Chinese/English input, Emoji, kaomoji, reverse lookup input, and many dictionaries. @Appinn

Mint Input Method (oh-my-rime) - Cross-platform Rime Input Method Configuration Suite: No Privacy Tracking, Completely Open Source, Highly Customizable

What is Rime#

Rime is an open-source Chinese input method with a high degree of customization that can be used across platforms. You can develop your own input method based on it. Currently, popular ones include Squirrel (Win), Weasel (Linux), Cangjie (iOS), and Rime (Android).

oh-my-rime is a set of configuration templates for quickly initializing Rime input methods. Developer @Mintimate has packaged his Rime configuration files and released them separately. In addition to the mentioned features, the main advantage is that it reduces the threshold for using Rime. Instead of needing to configure it yourself, you can directly import the configuration and use it immediately.

Input Schemes:#

  • Mint Pinyin - Full Pinyin Input: Full Pinyin input, suitable for the majority of users, so it is the default input method;
  • Xiaohe Double Pinyin - Mint Customization: Based on Xiaohe Double Pinyin, with added customization. Supports input of sound and shape (shape code);
  • Mint Pinyin - Xiaohe Mixed Input: Supports Xiaohe Double Pinyin while using full Pinyin input;
  • Earth Pinyin - Mint Customization: Based on Earth Pinyin, with added customization and expanded massive dictionaries;
  • Wubi 98 - Mint Lite: A simplified version based on Wubi 98, looking forward to everyone's PR.

Supported Features#

  • Supports light/dark skin styles, on Windows (Windows 10 1809+) and macOS, it can be switched according to the system;
  • Chinese input method, supports traditional (Taiwan style) and simplified Chinese;
  • Supports mixed Chinese/English input, e.g., input: "Doraemon";
  • Supports Emoji and kaomoji;
  • Supports various reverse lookup inputs: supports character decomposition (uu) reverse lookup input, Wubi (uw) reverse lookup input, stroke count (ui) reverse lookup input;
  • Supports quick input of dates, weekdays, time, lunar dates, and RMB amounts in uppercase.


  • "General Standard Chinese Character Table"
  • Huayu Yefeng System Dictionary
  • Tsinghua University Open Source Dictionary
  • "Commonly Used Words in Modern Chinese"
  • "Modern Chinese Dictionary"
  • "Synonym Thesaurus"
  • "Xinhua Idiom Dictionary"
  • Tencent Word Vectors

Video Introduction#

Developer @Mintimate has provided a 12-minute video introduction:

Installation Steps#

Qing Xiaowa went through the installation steps again, roughly as follows:

  1. Install Rime
  2. Import oh-my-rime
  3. Redeploy
  4. Use

Although it saves some trouble, it is still a bit troublesome. But after tinkering, you will get an input method that is completely offline and free of privacy concerns.

Get It#

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